Breaking news

Tuesday 27 October 2020

More than 10,000 policemen under quarantine, says minister

Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin says it is unavoidable for policemen to come in close contact with the public.

KUALA LUMPUR: More than 10,000 policemen, including officers, have been placed under quarantine, with at least 200 of them undergoing treatment after being confirmed positive for Covid-19 infection, said Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin.

He said the high rate of infection among policemen, being frontliners and closest to the public, is hampering the ability and strength of the police in performing their duties.

“The spread of Covid-19 virus is becoming more worrying and many frontliners have been exposed to the risk of infection.

“Although they (police) wear face masks, the job requires policemen to communicate with the people at close range. Social distancing cannot be applied in ensuring peace and order,” he said in a statement today.

Hamzah said there are also policemen assigned to assist immigration authorities to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country.

“Through Ops Benteng conducted between May 1 and Oct 18, the security forces have detained 497 illegal immigrants and 28 tekong (agents) who attempted to enter or leave the country through Sarawak,” he said.

As such, he called on Malaysians to appreciate the sacrifices of the frontliners and heed the call by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to fight against Covid-19.

Hamzah said the highest appreciation should be accorded to the frontliners who had been working tirelessly since the outbreak of the pandemic.

“Many of them have not taken a break from work or spent time with their families. We are running out of time, and now is not the time to play politics or lobby for support for certain individuals to become the prime minister,” he said.


from Free Malaysia Today

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