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Friday 25 September 2020

Meet Pong Pong, the snack monster

‘Beautiful eyes don’t lie,’ Pong Pong seems to say.

Pong Pong is an adorable two-year-old Poodle-Maltese mix whose sole mission in life is to kick up a big enough fuss so she is fed a snack.

Being a rather intuitive dog has helped loads in accomplishing her goals, Clarisse says, relating how she has noticed that when Pong Pong senses the family is about to leave the house, she’ll start acting up and demanding a treat.

“I guess it’s a form of compensation for being left behind as she only eats her snack after we leave,” Clarisse says.

‘Yes, it’s mine, all mine,’ Pong Pong seems to be saying.

Possessing a rather refined palate, Pong Pong has a preference for vegetables, salmon and lamb – but not in that particular order. Oddly enough though, she’ll turn up her nose at bread unless it’s smothered with butter or jam.

When she isn’t on the lookout for snacks, Pong Pong can be quite the attention-getter, using her intelligence and energy to do everything in her power to get noticed.

“This usually happens once we get back home,” Clarisse says.

“One thing she has elevated to an art form is barking loudly and incessantly until she gets a cuddle or a pat on the head.”

Pong Pong flashing her bright smile.

Despite being a drama queen, Pong Pong has a gentle nature and is especially friendly to guests who drop by for a visit.

However, if anyone gets too physically close to Clarisse, Pong Pong will fly into protective mode and pounce on them.

“She can get pretty protective over me and will charge at whoever tries to lay their hands on me for whatever reason,” Clarisse says.

Pong Pong also does not like males even if they’re friendly and will snarl at them.

But for all her fierce ways, Pong Pong is a peace-loving dog who dislikes people shouting or even raising their voices.

“Pong Pong is terrified of anyone who shouts. Whenever she gets reprimanded, she’ll dash under the sofa or bed. She’s timid like that,” Clarisse says.

(L) Hey mom, look at my fancy toy. (R) Pong Pong chilling with a balloon.

When everyone is at home, Pong Pong is at her happiest and will play with her large collection of toys.

“Sometimes, Pong Pong can be cheeky. When we’re asleep, this little missy likes to make herself comfortable by lying down on our shoes.”

Pong Pong loves snuggling up in bed at night.

Besides the family members’ shoes, Pong Pong sleeps just about anywhere.

“She likes sleeping under the sofa and on my bed. Occasionally, she’ll remember that she has her own pillow and will settle down on it for a snooze,” Clarisse says.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR PET: FMT Lifestyle readers are invited to send in pictures (landscape format) and a short video (if any) of their furry, scaly or feathery friends to Don’t forget to include details like your pet’s name, age, breed and a short story about them.

from Free Malaysia Today

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