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Thursday 13 August 2020

5 communication tips to ensure repeat jobs from clients

Discussion and feedback from both sides can help build a long-term relationship. (Pixabay pic)

Good communication not only ensures that no mistakes are made, it can help win repeat jobs from a client. It shows the client that the freelancer is interested in their projects and can make a real contribution to them.

But it is important to remember to prioritise the job at hand and not overwhelm the client with suggestions.

Once the job is done, feedback on both sides can help build a long-term relationship with a client and win new jobs. Here are five ways to do this.

1. Keep it simple

Even though the freelancer might envision a range of possibilities and opportunities that could come from the project, or the client’s needs, it is important to prioritise and understand that the client’s main interest is to achieve the objective at hand.

It is good to propose improvements, but keep them simple and within the scope of what the client needs.

Once a project is finished, then one can make proposals that are a bit more elaborate in order to continue to help them with other projects.

2. Know the audience

It’s important to identify and understand the client’s communication style. Not all forms of contact are created equal; whether it is casual communication or working with more technical language, it is important to adapt the communication style to fit the client’s needs.

Once the deal is signed, offer the client alternative ways to communicate in a comfortable, quick and assertive manner (Mail, WhatsApp, Zoom and so on).

Avoid using only one form of communication, but take into account that there has to be documentation for all the important aspects of the project on Workana’s platform to protect one’s work.

Collaboration tools like Drive, Trello, or Evernote can be very useful. Finally, do not forget to have a backup of all documentation, including conversation summaries and what has been delivered so far.

3. Welcome real feedback

Mutual feedback is fundamental for the freelancer and the client so both can continue to grow.

At the end of the project, tactfully tell the client what they could do to improve to succeed in the future with the work that was done together.

Likewise, allow clients to provide honest feedback that includes the good and the bad.

4. Be proactive and establish long-term working relationships

When a project is completed, after providing mutual feedback, create a proposal so the client can continue to grow, improve and expand the project in the near future.

After some time, contact them and work out together how the freelancer’s work is driving results for the client.

5. Don’t flood the client’s inbox

Once the proposal is sent, feel free to send a follow-up message if the client does not answer, but do not to flood their inbox.

If one has done one’s part and submitted a clear and personalised proposal tailored to fit the prospective client’s needs, they are bound to get back in no time with an offer.

Workana is committed to independent work, which is why the platform strives to help both clients and freelancers communicate in a simple, fluid and assertive way.

Click here to find out more about Workana to start hiring or enlisting as a freelancer.


from Free Malaysia Today

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