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Thursday 13 August 2020

3 ways women sabotage their own dreams

Women are often too quick to give up on their dreams. (Rawpixel pic)

Even with all the progress women have made in terms of equality at home and in the workplace, it has been a somewhat patchy ride.

There are many women who still face adversity and discrimination. And many of the brightest and most promising have second thoughts about pursuing their dreams and going for the gold.

It would be a shame if the world were to miss out on a life-changing philosophy or a scientific discovery because a woman decided to let go of her aspirations.

This article discusses three reasons why women often choose not to chase their dreams.

1. I am not ready yet

Many women miss life-changing opportunities when they utter the words “I am not ready yet”. They think many steps must be taken before they take action.

While taking things one step at a time is the safest way to do things, it could lead to a lack of progression and a long period of stagnation.

An individual could miss a golden opportunity to impress the boss or maybe start up a business. There is nothing wrong with avoiding bad decisions; but the failure to come to a decision at all can become a problem in itself.

What to do: Since taking things step by step is safe, learn to think one step ahead. This way one will be ready for any opportunity that might come along.

An individual should read up on any ideas they want to pursue or make extra moves that might impress the boss and lead to a promotion.

The key is to prepare to pursue one’s dreams instead of just waiting for them to arrive.

A person will never be ready if they do not make themselves ready. Always do what is needed to be prepared to tackle any opportunities that lie ahead.

If you believe you’re good enough, you will achieve your dreams before you know it. (Rawpixel pic)

2. I am not good enough

Most people think that perfectionism can lead to a successful life; they could not be more wrong. Perfectionism is not necessarily helpful, especially if it reaches a point that it lowers your self-esteem.

Perfectionists often think they can be better than they already are, which leads to the problem of always wanting to get better at something. Think of it as sort of an eternal preparation that often leads nowhere.

The fact is, not one human being on earth has ever, or will ever, achieve perfection in anything.

What to do: This might really sound simple, but believing in oneself is a great start to overcoming a perfectionist attitude.

Assuming someone has gained enough skills or knowledge to pursue an endeavour, they should already believe that they can do it.

The individual must not make the mistake of thinking they are not good enough if they have put an enormous amount of work and a lot of time into getting better at what they do.

Sometimes, all it takes is a little confidence to get started. Overcome the fear of not being good enough and just go for it.

3. I will do it some other day

Many people are guilty of this. Be it as simple as having one’s teeth cleaned or fixing a leak in the bathroom, a lot of people procrastinate.

Imagine what procrastination would do to something one is passionate about and actually loves; far more problematic than calling a plumber to plug up that leak, isn’t it?

Anyone can come up with excuses why they should do something later and this is why many people forget about their dreams and goals in life.

What to do: If someone can do something they love today, why not do it right away? Grab the opportunity immediately because one never knows how long it will be within reach. People should not turn a “can” into a “could have” just because they felt like staying in bed for another day or relaxing for another week.

Those who are really passionate and motivated to do something, must do it the moment it presents itself.

So, with these ideas on how to chase dreams, go for it.

People must just remember they are ready for it; good enough for it and it should be done as soon as possible for the best chance to act on their ideas and be the persons they want to be.

This article first appeared in The New Savvy

The New Savvy is Asia’s leading financial, investments and career platform for women. Our bold vision is to empower 100 million women to achieve financial happiness. We deliver high-quality content through conferences, e-learning platforms, personal finance apps and e-commerce stores.

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